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Font Variations and WPF Textblocks

Posted on Apr 11, 2011

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Over the past few months I have been working on more projects using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and I have run into numerous fun "learning experiences". Of these recent ones prompted me to put up a "Quick Tip" posting. The quick tip in this posting is around the formatting of custom font structures within a WPF TextBlock. Specifically around sub-scripting, super-scripting, and internal font variants.

Standard Markup

Before I get into the specifics of the tip I want to show the types of text I was working with first. Take the following example.

Basic TextBlock
  The quick brown fox emits CO2 when running

As you can be assured this would emit exactly as you see it here on the screen.

The desired result

What I was really shooting for in the end was this, The quick brown fox emits CO2 when running.

Searching through WPF documentation was not resulting in much help until I stumbled across the "Run" element that can be used inside of a textblock. Using this you can specify sub-formats for sections of your text. For example:

Complex Example
  The quick brown fox emits 
CO<Run BaselineAlignment="SubScript">2</Run> 
when running

With this, I get my desired effect. Using this you can do a lot more than sub and superscripting. You can make bold sections or many other custom combinations all within a single text block! I hope this was helpful!